fï fid*aÜfjhd tfla ku ;uhs Glary Utilities Pro fï fid*aÜfjhd tfla wfma iSßhla lS tl;a tlalu fokjd'
we;a;gu f.dvla fydo fid*aÜfjhd tlla'Tuneup jf.a fid*aÜfjhd tlla jqk;a ta ;rï f,dl= fid*aÜfjhd tlla kï fkfjhs ta ksid lsis iaf,da tlla ke;=j ndú;d lrkak mqÆjka'
n,kak fïflka lrkak mqÆjka foaj,a'
- - Disk Cleaner Removes junk data from your disks and recovers disk space
- - Registry Cleaner Scan and clean up your registry to improve your systems performance.
- - Shortcuts Fixer Corrects the errors in your start menu desktop shortcuts
- - Start up Manager Manages programs which run automatically on start up
- - Memory Optimizer Monitors and optimizes free memory in the background
- - Tracks Eraser Erases all the traces,evidences,cookies,internet history and more
- - File Shredder Erases files permanently so that no one can recover them
- - Internet Explorer Assistant Manages Internet Explorer Add-on and restores hijacked settings
- - Disk Analysis Get details information of the desired files and folders
- - Duplicate Files Finder Searches for space-wasting and error producing duplicate files
- - Empty Folders Finder Find and remove empty folders in your windows
- - Uninstall Manager Completely uninstall programs you don't need any more
- - Context Menu Manager Manage the context-menu entries for files, folders
fukak .kak fid*aÜfjhd tl ^ 12 Mb only&
Name - Aluth
Serial - 2788-61679-58768 fïl ke;a;ï 6DDE-BEA7-D7B6-78AA
Name - Aluth
Serial - 2788-61679-58768 fïl ke;a;ï 6DDE-BEA7-D7B6-78AA
ial%SkafYdÜ n,kakflda fïfla jev f.dvdla ;sfhhs 12Mb jqkdg udru ják fid*aÜfjhd tlla'
f,dl= lr n,kak rEmh u; click lrkak' |
f,dl= lr n,kak rEmh u; click lrkak' |
Technical Details
- Game Name : Glary Utilities Pro
- File size :12 Mb
- Requirements :windows xp / Vista / Windows7 / Windows8
- License :Free Trial / Buy
- Publisher web site : www.glarysoft.com