Thd,g f.dvla ják wema tlla' wkafv%dhsâ Device mdúÉÑ lrk whg fïflka jev .kak mqÆjka'
wema tfla ku ;uhs Camera 2 PDF Scanner Creator
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Thdf.a hd¿jdf.a fmdf;a Note tlla copyright lr.kak ´fk jqfkd;a fï wema tl f.dvlau jákjd'
leurdj wl=re j,g iy j.= wdÈhg Zoom lryu Auto tys we;=,;a oE Detect lrf.k wmsg PDF *hs,a tlla úÈhg Save lr,d fokjd'
ta jf.au wmsg i.rdjl fldgila miqj ne,Sug fï u.ska gla .d,d ialEka lr.kak mqÆjka' m;a;f¾l úia;r ál miqj lshjkak gla.d,d ialEka lr .kak mqÆjka'
fukak .kak wema tl' ^ Size • 13 MB&
* Scan
Scan your documents using your phone camera or pick them from your albums. Select multiple pictures at a time!
* Categorize
Create your own categories to quickly find back your documents: finance, business, personal, school, meeting, no limits.
Create your own categories to quickly find back your documents: finance, business, personal, school, meeting, no limits.
* Share
Share your documents wherever you want: Email, Drop-box, Drive, Skype, Ever-note, Bluetooth.
Share your documents wherever you want: Email, Drop-box, Drive, Skype, Ever-note, Bluetooth.
* Synchronize
Create a free account on camera2pdf.com and automatically synchronize your documents on your account to be able to read them from your computer wherever you are.
Create a free account on camera2pdf.com and automatically synchronize your documents on your account to be able to read them from your computer wherever you are.
Technical Details
- App Name: Camera 2 PDF Scanner Creator
- File size:13 MB
- Requirements:Requires Android 2.2 and up
- License:Free
- Download link: play.google.com
- Publisher web site:www.camera2pdf.com