mail tlla wdmq .uka sms tllska tal oek.kak úÈh'
uq,skau lshkak ´fka fïl jev lrkafka Gmail j,g ú;rhs' ;ukag email tlla wdmq .uka ta .ek sms tlla tk úÈyg
yod .kak yeá ;ud wo wms Thd,g lshkak hkafka' ,smsh álla È.hs" ta;a wjYHh whg fïl f.dvlau jeo.;a'tk yeu email tlgu sms tkav .;af;d;a tal johla fjkjkï ;ukag wjYH whf.ka ú;rla email tlla wdju ú;rla oekqïfok úÈyg Wk;a fïl yod.kak mq¿jka' uu tal lrk yeá mshjr jYfhka lshkakï'
fïflÈ fjkafka Thd,g email tlla wdju tal Googlecalender tlg reminder tlla úÈyg we;=,;a fjkjd'Bg miafia ta reminder tal .ek sms tlla tkjd'
fï úÈyg email notifications fok sites ;shkjd't;a ta yeu tllgu i,a,s b,a,kjd' ta ksihs fï l%fï fydhd .kak uu try lf¾' tfykï oeka jefâg nysuqfld'
01'uq,skau G-mail tlg log fj,d tfla ol=Kq me;af;a Wv ;shk gear icon tl click lr,d settings j,g hkak' Bg miafia label tab tlg .sysx tflka ˜Create new label˜ lshk tlg hkak'
02' Bg miafia send sms lsh,d ku §, label tlla yo .kak' ^ ku fjkia lrkav tmd' fïfla fmdä program tflla lsh,d ;sfhkafka Th kug &

03'B<.g Filter Tab tlg .sysx Create a new filter lshk tflka .sysx filter tlla yod .kak' Thdg yeu email tllau wdj .uka sms tlla tkak´fkkïhas the words lshk ;ek is:inbox lsh,d type lrkak' tfyu ke;=j ljqre yß úfYaI flfklaf.ka ú;rla tk email j,g sms tkak´fkk From lshk ;ek thdf.a email address tl ,shkak'

04'Create filter with this search lshk tl click lr,d biairyg hkak' t;fldg tk window tfla apply the label tlg fmdä ála tlla od,d tflka send sms lshk tl f;dar,d fokak' Bg miafia create filter lshk tl click lrkak'

05' oeka google docs j,g log fjkak¡
06'B<.g fu;k click lr,d biairyg hoa§ tk tfla yes"make a copy lsh,d fokak'
07'oeka tfla tools j, Script editor tlg hkak' B<.g tfla Resources lshk tlg .sysx tfla Current Projects triggers tlg .sysx click here to add one now lshk tl click lr,d from spreadsheet lshk tl fjkqjg Time-driven lshk tl fokak' Bg miafia hour timer lshk tl fjkqjg minutes timer lsh,d §, save lrkak' Bg miafia tk tfla Authorize lshk tl click lrkak' Bg;a miafia Grant access lshk tl fokak'
08' oeka fu;kska google calender tlg hkak' oeka tfla settings j,g hkak' .syska tfla mobile setup lshk tab tlg;a hkavflda' Bg miafia phone number lshk ;ekg Thd,f.a phone number tl fokak ^¬94 lshk country code tl biairyg odkak &
09' Bg miafia send verification code lsh,d fokak' t;fldg Thd,f.a phone tlg pin wxlhla tkjd' tal verification code lshk ;ek ,sh,d Finish setup lsh,d fokak'
oeka b;ska jefâ yß'email tlla weú;a úkdä 5la we;=,; Thd,g sms tlla ths'
^ jev lf¾ ke;a;ka Thd,f.a notifications tkak yo,d we;af;a emailúÈyg fjkak we;s' ta ksid sms j,ska notifications tjkak lsh, Google calendar tfla settings yokak&