wekafv%dhsâ whg kshu Apps fukak iúia;rd;aulj'
Android Device ndú;d lrk whg fukak jákd lshk wema 3 la' fkdñf,au nd .kak;a mq¨jka'
Android Device ndú;d lrk whg fukak jákd lshk wema 3 la' fkdñf,au nd .kak;a mq¨jka'
Pushbullet - mqYanq,Ü
Tn mß.Klfha jev lghq;=j, ksr; ù isák úgl" Tnf.a iaudÜf*dakfhka oekqïfok jeo.;a m‚jqv ^Notifications& u.yeÍ f.dia ;sfnkjdo@ tjeks úgl Pushbullet hkq ienúkau Tnf.a iyhg meñfKkafkls'

Pushbullet hkq m%Odk jYfhkau Tnf.a mß.Klh;a" iaudÜf*dakh;a tlg iïnkaO lrkd iydhlfhl=o fõ' tfiau Pushbullet u.ska Tnf.a iaudÜf*dakh fyda geí,Ü Wmdx.h ;j;a iaudÜf*dakhla fyda geí,Ü Wmdx.hla yd iïnkaO lrùuo wmyiq lghq;a;la fkdfõ'
fufia Tnf.a iaudÜf*dakh yd mß.Klh;a" tfia;a ke;skï Tnf.a wekaâfrdhsâ Wmdx.h ;j;a Wmdx.;a iu.;a Pushbullet yryd iïnkaO lsÍfï we;s úfYaI jeo.;alu jkafka" Tng wejeis ´kEu fudfyd;l ´kEu f.dkqjla yqjudre lr.ekSugo Pushbullet yryd myiqlï ie,iSuhs' t Tn mß.Klfhka wka;¾cd,fha ießirñka isák úgl ,efnk ine¢hla ^link& myiqfjkau Pushbullet yryd iaudÜf*dakhg heúh yelsh'
th iaudÜf*dakfha notification area ys fmkajkq we;' tfiau Tn mß.Klhla yryd hï ,smskhla iaudÜf*dakhg ,ndÿka úg th laIKhlska iaudÜf*dakfha we;s Google maps fhÿu yryd újD; lr.kq we;'
fu;kska .kak ( 5.2 MB )
Technical Details
- App Name : pushbullet
- File size :5.2 Mb
- Requirements :Requires Android 4.0 and up
- License :Free
- Download link support : play.google.com
- Publisher web site : www.pushbullet.com
CircleMe - i¾l,aó
b;du;a is;a weo.kakd iq¿ woyila jk CircleMe fhÿu y÷kajdÈh yels fyd|u l%uh jkafka" th Tn leu;s" wdYd lrk foaj,a tla lsÍug;a" Tn leu;s kj;u foa y÷kd.ekSug;a bv i,idfok fhÿula f,isks'

iudc cd, fhÿulgo kElï lshk CircleMe Tn leu;s lafIa;%"úIhhka iïnkaO kj;u f;dr;=re oek.ekSug" tajd iu.ska ne¢ l%shdldrlï ms<sn|j oekqj;a ùug" tajd iïnkaOfhka fjk;a wh olajk woyia oek.ekSug" Tfí woyia fnod.ekSug fukau ta iu.ska l<hq;= jev lghq;= ,ehsia;=.; lsÍugo myiqlï ,ndfohs'
fu;kska .kak - 11 MB
Technical Details
- App Name : CircleMe: interests & passions
- File size :11Mb
- Requirements :Requires Android 2.3 and up
- License :Free
- Download link support : play.google.com
- Publisher web site : www.circleme.com
Sri Lanka Train Schedule - ÿïßh ld, igyk
ICTA Sri Lanka fj;ska y÷kajdfok Sri Lanka Train Schedule wekaâfrdhsâ fhÿu iïudk Èkd.;a fhÿula fjhs' Sri Lanka Train Schedule úiska Y%S ,xldj ;=< ´kEu ;ekl ÿïßh ld,igyka"ÿïßh m%yudo jk njg lrk oekqï§ï fukau ÿïßh .dia;= iïnkaO iïmQ¾K o;a;o Tnf.a iaudÜf*dakh fyda wekaâfrdhsâ Wmdx.h u;g f.k tkq we;'

fu;kska .kak - 3.8 MB
Technical Details
- App Name : Sri Lanka Train Schedule
- File size :3.8 Mb
- Requirements :Requires Android 2.3.3 and up
- License :Free
- Download link support : play.google.com
- Publisher web site : www.icta.lk
hd¨jkag;a .kak fYhd lrkak