Tkak tfykï G-Mail mdúÉÑ lrk whg ;uhs fï l%fï wms lsh,d fokafka'
- Log into your G-mail account
- go to Gmail “Settings”.
- Then in “Filter” window
- select a “Create a new filter”
- In the appearing window, in the “Has the Words” box, type “in:spam”,
- click on the “Create Filter with this Search ”
- click “Ok”.
fï wdldrhg Setting yod.;a;u tk spam Email ish,a, Auto ul,d odkjd'
jeo.;a - Thd,d okakjd we;s iuyr spam fkdjk wÆ;a mail server j,ska tjk taj;a G-mail spamúÈhg w,a,kjd wkak taj;a b;ska fïflka uels,d hdfï wjOdkula ;sfhkjd fydfoa.